30th Anniversary of Banned Books Week |
Sunday, September 30, 2012
30th Anniversary Banned Books Week (September 30 - October 6)
Saturday, September 29, 2012
Spectacular Saturn
Every planet in our solar system has its unique traits, but no planet looks as stunning as Saturn, with its prominent rings that imbue the planet with that classic sci-fi/space-age countenance. The photo above, taken by the Cassini spacecraft from an unusual angle, gives the planet the look of an old-fashioned black and white photo of a Hollywood movie star - the angles, shadows, and lighting make for a very artistic image.
Saturn by NASA/JPL-Caltech/Space Science Institute |
Friday, September 28, 2012
Hug a Vegetarian Day!
Two Happy Cows (Wikimedia Commons) |
Btw, Snoopy's observing the holiday by hugging his favorite vegetarian!
Thursday, September 27, 2012
What is the Internet Really Doing to Us?
Is it making us smarter or dumber? Maybe a little of both, according to an article in Der Spiegel. Overall, children's IQ levels are increasing around the world, but their language facility (especially vocabulary) is diminishing, which would make sense since younger people read less in the traditional sense. Not surprisingly, there appears to be a generational gap in the kind of skills young and old have acquired since the arrival of the internet. In a new book by scientist James R. Flynn, "Are We Getting Smarter? Rising IQ in the Twenty-First Century," it is claimed that young people solve visual and logical problems quickly, whereas older people do better linguistically. And though today's children may never be able to learn language the way older people have, their IQ levels are exceeding that of their elders. Of course, the use of IQ tests has always been controversial, particularly when accounting for cultural differences. But, the article also cites a best-selling book by German psychiatrist Manfred Spitzer, called "Digital Dementia" which argues that children are becoming dumber because of their constant exposure to digital media. I guess our brains are just changing for both better and for worse.
![]() |
Image by theLibraryLander |
Is it making us smarter or dumber? Maybe a little of both, according to an article in Der Spiegel. Overall, children's IQ levels are increasing around the world, but their language facility (especially vocabulary) is diminishing, which would make sense since younger people read less in the traditional sense. Not surprisingly, there appears to be a generational gap in the kind of skills young and old have acquired since the arrival of the internet. In a new book by scientist James R. Flynn, "Are We Getting Smarter? Rising IQ in the Twenty-First Century," it is claimed that young people solve visual and logical problems quickly, whereas older people do better linguistically. And though today's children may never be able to learn language the way older people have, their IQ levels are exceeding that of their elders. Of course, the use of IQ tests has always been controversial, particularly when accounting for cultural differences. But, the article also cites a best-selling book by German psychiatrist Manfred Spitzer, called "Digital Dementia" which argues that children are becoming dumber because of their constant exposure to digital media. I guess our brains are just changing for both better and for worse.
Wednesday, September 26, 2012
The Beverly Hillbillies at 50
Here's another 50th anniversary of a 60's show that I remember watching and enjoying growing up, mostly in syndication. A classic fish out of water sitcom that you couldn't help but smile over, no matter how lowbrow it was deemed. It ran for almost ten seasons and clearly struck a chord since it was one of the top twenty most watched programs on television. The theme song, "The Ballad of Jed Clampett" is also one of the most recognized and memorized of TV music. Among the cast, Granny was a great foil to Jethro and sometimes Uncle Jed - a wacky but lovable family that anyone can relate to on some level. Have a look at the very first episode of the Beverly Hillbillies:
Granny and Uncle Jed Wikimedia Commons |
Here's another 50th anniversary of a 60's show that I remember watching and enjoying growing up, mostly in syndication. A classic fish out of water sitcom that you couldn't help but smile over, no matter how lowbrow it was deemed. It ran for almost ten seasons and clearly struck a chord since it was one of the top twenty most watched programs on television. The theme song, "The Ballad of Jed Clampett" is also one of the most recognized and memorized of TV music. Among the cast, Granny was a great foil to Jethro and sometimes Uncle Jed - a wacky but lovable family that anyone can relate to on some level. Have a look at the very first episode of the Beverly Hillbillies:
Tuesday, September 25, 2012
eXtremely Cool!
Amazing to think that every one of these points of light from Hubble's eXtreme Deep Field image is a galaxy - thousands of them going back more than 13 billion light years, almost to the beginning of the universe! NASA explains how the image was taken and what exactly we can learn of objects found so far into the depths of the night sky. Mind-boggling, to say the least.
NASA's eXtreme Deep Field, or XDF, view of a small area of the constellation Fornax |
Monday, September 24, 2012
No, I'm not swearing! It just happens to be National Punctuation Day. It's a fairly new holiday, created in 2004 by Jeffrey Rubin, who wanted to encourage the proper usage of punctuation. And to the end, the New Yorker Magazine promotes a contest to see who can create the best new punctuation mark. See if you agree with their assessment of the winner. Also, in honor of this year's election, the National Punctuation Day website is holding its own election to see who can create the most highly punctuated paragraph. The contest also requires entrants to persuade the judges which punctuation mark should be the official punctuation mark of the President of the United States. Personally, my vote goes to the Irony Mark, probably the most appropriate mark of politics!
The Irony Mark |
No, I'm not swearing! It just happens to be National Punctuation Day. It's a fairly new holiday, created in 2004 by Jeffrey Rubin, who wanted to encourage the proper usage of punctuation. And to the end, the New Yorker Magazine promotes a contest to see who can create the best new punctuation mark. See if you agree with their assessment of the winner. Also, in honor of this year's election, the National Punctuation Day website is holding its own election to see who can create the most highly punctuated paragraph. The contest also requires entrants to persuade the judges which punctuation mark should be the official punctuation mark of the President of the United States. Personally, my vote goes to the Irony Mark, probably the most appropriate mark of politics!
Sunday, September 23, 2012
The Jetsons 50th Anniversary
It's hard to believe it's been 50 years since the cartoon future world of the Jetsons premiered on September 23, 1962. And fittingly, it came two years after the Flintstones first appeared. Both shows appeal to our sense of time and space, though each maintains a firmly contemporary sensibility. Basically, each show is about twentieth century family life but with the trappings of the paleolithic and futuristic environments. The initial run of the Jetsons only had 24 episodes and it was not until much later in 1985 that new episodes were produced. Very odd considering the tremendous interest in space and the future during the 60's. Smithsonian Magazine online publishes a blog called Paleofuture which recently explored the effect of the Jetsons on our lives and why the show matters to so many. The show had it all from flying cars to video phones, robot maids to meals in a pill. It was a benign future and one which we could all look forward to without fear. Techcrunch recently lamented the lack of flying cars in our present day and notes that we are at the halfway point from the date the Jetsons premiered and the future date the show depicted (2062). We should be zipping around in flying cars any day now - EEP OPP ORK AH-AH!
Saturday, September 22, 2012
A Grand and Glorious Day!
Autumn Day (Wikimedia Commons) |
Friday, September 21, 2012
Eh, What's Up Doc?
Looney Tunes characters (Wikimedia Commons) |
Thursday, September 20, 2012
Lyric Videos
"Turn Me On" by David Guetta featuring Nicki Minaj
I didn't realize this was actually a trend, since music artists have often included lyrics in their videos in the past. But more artists are now releasing lyric versions of their hits, in addition to the more typically visual ones. It's a welcome trend though, because the focus is on the music and its essential meaning. And in many instances, you really hear the voice coming through when it's reinforced by the lyrics. A case in point is Nicki Minaj's performance on David Guetta's video, "Turn Me on" (embedded above). I was never that aware of Minaj's talent until I saw/heard this video highlighted on an NPR post by Mark Blankenship. Minaj's mega-flamboyant public persona overshadows her voice talents, but the lyric video showcases it brilliantly. And her voice truly packs a punch, though with smoother layers in between the wilder staccato notes. Another example in the NPR post is Madonna's "Girl Gone Wild" which probably would not have appealed to me presented in the typically raucous visual format for which she's known. But I actually liked the song after watching the lyric video, probably more than if I had only heard the standalone music - reading the lyrics along with the music brought out elements of the song that I might not have noticed. The lyric video trend has also been noted in other publications, in particular a USC college website. It's a nice alternative to those who want to hear the music more than watch the video, but with the visual enhancement of lyrics added.
Wednesday, September 19, 2012
Fighting e-diversion
Kitty with Laptop (Wikimedia Commons) |
Tuesday, September 18, 2012
The Astrology of Car Ownership
What car a person drives is actually a better predictor of personality than astrology; it's astonishing how much information about drivers can be gleaned just from the make and models they purchase. NYT recently reviewed the 2013 Honda Accord, which is interesting on different levels; first, just as a good review, but also as a smart analysis of the Accord buyer. I think I fit the profile of a Honda Accord owner almost to a T, so I can well believe that owners of other models probably reflect their choices as well. Since cars come in various prices, styles, and colors, it's very easy to gather demographic data on their owners and draw some accurate conclusions. Especially with their color choices!
2013 Honda Accord |
Monday, September 17, 2012
Today is the 225th Anniversary of the US Constitution
U.S. Constitution |
March 4, 1789. To read and understand this powerful and enduring document is a worthy goal of every citizen; and Cornell University Law School has made this easier by hosting on their website an annotated version prepared by the Congressional Research Service. In 2004, Congress renamed Citizenship Day to "Constitution Day and Citizenship Day" and in the process created a new holiday and preserved an old one. Test your knowledge of the history and creation of the Constitution by taking this fun quiz. Also, take a look at HowStuffWorks' webpage on 10 Things You Didn't Know About the U.S. Constitution.
Sunday, September 16, 2012
The 20 Most-Watched Ted Talks
TED Talks |
Saturday, September 15, 2012
"Don't Rush, Look Before You Flush!"
This is definitely in the category of what will they think of next? Well, we know libraries in many places are in dire straits, but soliciting ads to place on toilet paper - really? A library in New York is doing just that and hoping to attract advertising revenue for its coffers. I have to admit, though, that the company that sells these printed rolls of TP came up with a pretty clever idea. At least this graffiti isn't on bathroom walls!
Star Toilet Paper |
This is definitely in the category of what will they think of next? Well, we know libraries in many places are in dire straits, but soliciting ads to place on toilet paper - really? A library in New York is doing just that and hoping to attract advertising revenue for its coffers. I have to admit, though, that the company that sells these printed rolls of TP came up with a pretty clever idea. At least this graffiti isn't on bathroom walls!
Friday, September 14, 2012
A River of Books
River of Books |
Thursday, September 13, 2012
Rockport Hummerbird Celebration, September 13 - 16
This has got to be the most hummingbirds ever to congregate in one place! Rockport, TX residents are very lucky to have these visitors to their feeders - no wonder they hold their annual Hummerbird Celebration there. During the Fall migration, Ruby-Throated Hummingbirds gather along the Texas coast on their way to Mexico and Central America where they winter.
Wednesday, September 12, 2012
Hubble Space Telescope's Top 100
A rose made of galaxies |
Tuesday, September 11, 2012
New York City
Monday, September 10, 2012
Milk Eggs Vodka
Milk Eggs Vodka |
What an idea for a book! This falls into the category of, why didn't I come up with this first? The book came out in 2007, but I've only just come across it recently. Bill Keaggy, from St. Louis and a collector of odd things, compiled his collection of lists people have thrown out and turned them into a short book. Grocery lists mostly, but just whatever scraps of writings that have been discarded by unwary people, form a sort of sociological excavation that he gleefully examines. He briefly explores the history of list-making and reveals that the oldest grocery list can be traced back to a Roman Fort in England around A.D. 80. This list included these items - pork, bread, wine, and oil - all eerily similar to any modern day grocery list! Most of the book, though, is simply Keaggy riffing lists that he picks up and trying to extrapolate the lives of the list-makers. Sometimes these riffs are clever, sometimes just silly, but pretty entertaining all around, as the samples on his website demonstrate. The actual lists are scanned and presented on each page with his speculations about them. He notes that people are possessive of their lists and will go out of their way to conceal them. And when you think of it, shopping lists, errand lists, etc., are very personal little windows into people's lives. I tend to destroy my lists too, being careful never to leave them behind in a grocery cart, but it never occurred to me why I do this. Apparently, I'm not alone!
Sunday, September 9, 2012
The 5 Second Rule - Real or Baloney?
A Dagwood Sandwich before falling on floor I , EncycloPetey via Wikimedia Commons |
(Now, why is it always bologna sandwiches that fall on the floor?!)
Saturday, September 8, 2012
The Mindset List
By Camazine, via Wikimedia Commons |
Friday, September 7, 2012
Google is celebrating Star Trek's 46th anniversary today, so in honor of that auspicious occasion, I thought I'd post some websites with the best sci-fi quotes. There's a top 7 list of most memorable quotes floating around, possibly first posted on Nokia, but also picked up by Inktank. Weirdmedia has compiled a huge list of their top 100 sci-fi quotes. Everyone's got their list, even Psychology Today, with their own top 10. And, who could ever forget one of the most memorable lines ever uttered in a sci-fi show, "Never fear, Smith is here!"
Thursday, September 6, 2012
Bing it On!
Bing it On! |
My Bing it On test results (click to see larger image with my search queries) |
Wednesday, September 5, 2012
Google's Sense of Humor
Felix the Cat |
Tuesday, September 4, 2012
And Now, Something for Bibliophiles...
Super Bowl winner and Honorary Chair of Library Card Sign-up Month Troy Polamalu |
Monday, September 3, 2012
Mycophiles Rejoice!
Illustration at right is Plate 305 from James Sowerby's Coloured Figures of English Fungi or Mushrooms.
Sunday, September 2, 2012
Middle Earth News
Crater Tolkien on Mercury |
Saturday, September 1, 2012
Happy Meteorological Fall!
Sept. 1 is Meteorological Fall. Although it doesn't feel as though Fall has really arrived since the trees still have their greenery, it's still a hint that the season will change in a few short weeks. Astronomical Fall, which is marked by the Autumn equinox, is more widely regarded as the beginning of the true Fall season; certainly it'll be colder then. But there's still something more mathematically fitting about starting anything at the beginning of the month. This is the time of year I look forward to receiving my copies of the Old Farmer's Almanac as well as the Farmers' Almanac - I enjoy reading them both. Each one contains similar content, mostly weather and astronomical information for planting, as well as household and personal advice. I always wondered which was the real Farmers' Almanac and it really depends on the where one is from I suppose. The Old Farmer's Almanac is the oldest publication since it began in 1792 and has been continuously published ever since. It is headquartered in New England which gives it a Yankee sensibility. The Farmers' Almanac has been around since 1818, no spring chicken either! It is published in New Jersey, which maybe has a less regional feel to it. But they're both useful, nostalgic, and comforting to read; they've been around for all these decades and hopefully will continue dispensing their wit and wisdom for decades to come.
The Old Farmer's Almanac |
Farmers' Almanac |
Sept. 1 is Meteorological Fall. Although it doesn't feel as though Fall has really arrived since the trees still have their greenery, it's still a hint that the season will change in a few short weeks. Astronomical Fall, which is marked by the Autumn equinox, is more widely regarded as the beginning of the true Fall season; certainly it'll be colder then. But there's still something more mathematically fitting about starting anything at the beginning of the month. This is the time of year I look forward to receiving my copies of the Old Farmer's Almanac as well as the Farmers' Almanac - I enjoy reading them both. Each one contains similar content, mostly weather and astronomical information for planting, as well as household and personal advice. I always wondered which was the real Farmers' Almanac and it really depends on the where one is from I suppose. The Old Farmer's Almanac is the oldest publication since it began in 1792 and has been continuously published ever since. It is headquartered in New England which gives it a Yankee sensibility. The Farmers' Almanac has been around since 1818, no spring chicken either! It is published in New Jersey, which maybe has a less regional feel to it. But they're both useful, nostalgic, and comforting to read; they've been around for all these decades and hopefully will continue dispensing their wit and wisdom for decades to come.
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